Yes. I hold up my hands and apologise to those what my poor spelling, poor grammar and poor research has offended.
You heard. And you're right of course. I don't even know how to use a spell-checker. Or, at least, I don't when I'm in a park or a pub or, like now, on a bus, blogging away on a touch-screen keypad in the palm of my hand.
In fact, it really rather hard to proof-read or even self-check-as-you-go in the centimetre-high window of text I have available. So sorry if I occasionally make mistakes.
If I say that 'Arry Redknapp represent all that is bad in the game I am wrong. He represents all that is wrong in the game. I would have italicised the word represents to highlight my point, but I can't. Sorry.
It's a trade-off we mobile-bloggers make: the luxury of spell-checks and ease of review for the convenience of blogging on the go. I mostly write on lunch-breaks or on the way to work, or else out somewhere else. I couldn't find the time to do it otherwise. So sorry if they are not always meticulously paragraphed, punctuated and spelt.
Throughout the history of language, new technologies have driven its gradual evolution in to what we have today. Breaking news: it is still evolving and it always will. The internet and mobile communications are the biggest drivers in this current phase of that evolution. This is not an excuse, its fact.
So, before you criticise, do your research. Or at least notice the footer on my posts: "Published with Blogger-droid."
In the meantime I've dropped a couple of deliberate errors in to this one. Enjoy pointing them out if that's what turns you on.
Thanks. And sorry again.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5